Interlocked.Increment vs. lock – surprise surprise !



Problem at hand: an ID generator.


Like many other things, developers can be categorized into three types : *

Now I am definitely not a concurrency guru like myteammates, however when I looked at a code for an ID generator that had

public int GetNextId() {
		return nextId++;

I immediately ran a git-checkout, changed that offending piece of code to

public int GetNextId() {
	return Interlocked.Increment(ref nextId) – 1;

And created a patch to send to the innocent owner of the code.


Smart heh? **


Then I thought that it won’t hurt to throw in a little proof for this amazing improvement.

Running 1000 calls to a GetNextId that was using a lock, took longer than calling the method using Interlocked !  Ah Ha – who’s the man?


Then I realised that a better test will be to run these 100 calls in parallel. That is after all the whole idea of a shared generator. Many threads might need to call it on the same time !


To my surprise, when asking for IDs in parallel, the interlocked construct was almost always slower, taking about 150% of the time the lock construct took on most runs (I tried this again and again, every time averaging 100 repeats).


Here’s a screenshot of the test run

interlocked vs lock


Code is here:


After thinking about this a little, I think that I have an idea why this is happening, assuming my SpawnAndWait call is not entirely stupid (is it?)


So I call you my dear readers (most of which are way smarter than I am): what is your take on that? why did that happen? and would you have chosen lock or interlocked for an ID generator?



** probably not

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