The Impendence Mismatch And ADO.NET vNext - a Presentation


Last Tuesday (06/07/2006) I gave a presentation with Oren at our company, for the company’s .NET forum.The forum is made of all the employees from all the branches of the company, who are dealing with Microsoft’s development tools, at any level.Oren talked about our in-house architecture and presented our code generating tool - Code-Agent, that incorporates our architecture to generate a full blown n-tier application from a mere SQL Server database, in just a few clicks.Afterwards, I talked about the problems (as I see ‘em) in the data querying world today, ran a quick overview of some methods and tools that help developers to solve them, and showed a bit of the way that ADO.NET vNext (ADO.NET Entities, or ADO.NET 3.0) and LINQ, come to the rescue.After the presentations, we’ve talked with some of the attendees. It was delighted to meet very capable, experienced and sharp minded people, and we encouraged them to take more active part in future meeting of the forum. I hope that this forum will evolve to be a great place to share knowledge.The presentation that accompanied my lecture can be found here (or here if your browser cannot handle it), and if you have any questions or ideas about the subjects discussed, you are more than welcome to send them to me.

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