To boldly go, where Center is called Centre, and trains run late but will get you anywhere


As I said, I’m starting a new thing, and this post would be about that.

This week I joined a super cool startup called Music Glue.

It’s a London UK based company, that is going to change the way music is being tunneled from the artists to the listeners. I cannot really tell to much about the business model, but you can go into the site (we actually have a working site, even though very much cut down yet, having the really neat features still in testing). It’s located at (surprisingly)

They guys here are the kind of the British folks that I thought I’d meet. I won’t spend much on the technical abilities of the team, just enough to say that for the first time in a very long period, I am actually surrounded by people who knows more than I am, and that is a great thing, as I can learn so much, and have learned a lot during the four days I’ve being here.

But I will talk about the other stuff. The amount of beer I’ve digested during the last week is comparable to the outcome of a small country, translating a pint to a cent.

There’s that great environment, and it is just a lot of fun to work with this guys (when I’m sober enough to feel anything), and I am looking forward for the next time we’ll work side-by-side.

What am I talking about? What “next time”?

Well, as I said, Music Glue is located at London, and I live in Israel, so this is actually a relocation thing. Since my dear Sarit is in the middle of her M.A., we cannot move just yet, so during the next months I’ll be going back and forth, working most of the time from home, and coming over to the office every now and then. Technologically it’s a no brainer, thank to subversion/bugzilla/messenger/email, and all bunch of other stuff. On the personal side, that sure is not easy, and it is actually very hard to be away from Sarit and the cats for the whole week. When we’ll eventually move to London, we would be harming our great relationship we have with our families and friends back home. I hope we’d find the powers to overcome those issues … and with the help of a few beers, we might find some new friends …

Now for THE question. Many people ask me how I got to this whole thing. Well, ever since I started blogging, and discovered the online .NET development community, I just came to know a lot of people. Running AspView, Ihave exposed some of my technical skills in a way that no resume or c.v. can. It happened to be that was the first commercial site aired, that is using AspView. So when the team needed a new blood, I was the obvious candidate. So my advice for people who are looking up to “improve” their visibility as great developers, ( as was already offered by Ayende and many others), is to contribute as much as they can to the community, starting with blogging, and preferably finding a cool open-source project and make it better. (by the way, AspView will gladly accept pathces …)

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