NANT 0.85 rc3 and .NET 2.0


I needed to manually Castle today, for the first time.

The need is for Castle.MonoRail.TestSupport.BaseControllerTest only, so I do not really care about all the rest.

Opened “How to build.txt”

I know that the builds in the CI server are failing due to some filing tests on DP2, so I add “”.

no brainer.

I am also targeting .net2 only, so I add “-t:net-2.0”

baboom. This fails.

The nant exe is telling me that I can only build to .net 1.1, or .net compact framework 1.0.

So I went to nant’s config file, and found out to my surprise, that the frameworks that are present there are:

.net 1.1,

.net compact framework 1.0

.net 2.0 BETA 1


So I’ve edited the config, changed the existing .net 2.0 config name to .net2.0Beta1,

copy&pasted the .net node to another one, now switching version number from

sdkdirectory=”${path::combine(sdkInstallRoot, ‘bin’)}” frameworkdirectory=”${path::combine(installRoot, ‘v2.0.40607’)}” frameworkassemblydirectory=”${path::combine(installRoot, ‘v2.0.40607’)}”clrversion=”2.0.40607”


sdkdirectory=”${path::combine(sdkInstallRoot, ‘bin’)}” frameworkdirectory=”${path::combine(installRoot, ‘v2.0.50727’)}” frameworkassemblydirectory=”${path::combine(installRoot, ‘v2.0.50727’)}”clrversion=”2.0.50727”

voila. Now the build is starting.
However, the Castle.Components.Validator.Tests dll refuse to build. I’ll disable it, too.


I’m an idiot. Did not notice that NAnt has gone far beyond rc3 a long time ago …

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