MonoRail / AspView Talk in IVCUG


I did that MonoRail / AspView talk yesterday at August’s IVCUG (that’s Israeli Visual C#/++ User Group) at Microsoft offices in Raanana, Israel.

I was a great experience for me, and I thank all of you who came in, asked questions, left some change in my hat (damn, I forgot the hat), and (hopefully) had a great time.

The presentation will be uploaded here soon, so will the demo code, and the promised zip with AspView executables for castle build 472 (revision 4016) + stub web.config. It’s just that I need to actually WORK today since the last days was more “prepare to presentation” that “work for a living” kinda days.

So, tune in. It would be by here this weekend.

Meanwhile you can go over aspview source code (there’s AspViewTestSite that demonstrate many of MonoRail and AspView features. It’s quite old and when I wrote it I was quite a MonoRail newbie, so stuff there are not necessarily best-practice quality, but you can grasp how to use subviews, viewcomponents, viewfilters, etc very easily).

You can also look over my blog engine’s sources that I have presented yesterday. It’s at:

The code shown was from going-ddd branch.

bad name btw, as the model is too simple for DDD, and I also violate it from time to time … (Repository<Comment> …)

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