Last night I’ve built a nice new tool called StaticMapGenerator which is used to generate a typed static resources site-map for ASP.NET sites (works for MonoRail, ASP.NET MVC and even WebForms).
I’ll blog about it on a separate post in details.
Since I didn’t want any dependency (but .NET 2.0 runtime) for the generator and the generated code, I couldn’t use Windsor to IoC. That calls for a hand rolled simple IoC implementation
Ayende has already done it in 15 lines, but I wanted also to automagically set dependencies and have a simpler registration model.
so I’ve quickly hacked together a configurable DI resolver (a.k.a. IoC container) in 15 Minutes and 22 Lines Of Code. Call me a sloppy-coder, call me whadever-ya-like. It just works.
static class IoC {
static readonly IDictionary<Type, Type> types = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();
public static void Register<TContract, TImplementation>() {
types[typeof(TContract)] = typeof(TImplementation);
public static T Resolve<T>() {
return (T)Resolve(typeof(T));
public static object Resolve(Type contract) {
Type implementation = types[contract];
ConstructorInfo constructor = implementation.GetConstructors()[0];
ParameterInfo[] constructorParameters = constructor.GetParameters();
if (constructorParameters.Length == 0) {
return Activator.CreateInstance(implementation);
List<object> parameters = new List<object>(constructorParameters.Length);
foreach (ParameterInfo parameterInfo in constructorParameters) {
return constructor.Invoke(parameters.ToArray());
Ok, I’ve cheated. You’d need using statements too, but you can see that I was generous enough with newlines …
Given those:
public interface IFileSystemAdapter { }
public class FileSystemAdapter : IFileSystemAdapter { }
public interface IBuildDirectoryStructureService { }
public class BuildDirectoryStructureService : IBuildDirectoryStructureService{
IFileSystemAdapter fileSystemAdapter;
public BuildDirectoryStructureService(IFileSystemAdapter fileSystemAdapter) {
this.fileSystemAdapter = fileSystemAdapter;
You can do that:
IoC.Register<IFileSystemAdapter, FileSystemAdapter>();
IoC.Register<IBuildDirectoryStructureService, BuildDirectoryStructureService>();
IBuildDirectoryStructureService service = IoC.Resolve<IBuildDirectoryStructureService>();
You need not worry about supplying the BuildDirectoryStructureService with an implementation for the service it depends on, but only to register an implementation for that service.