Tired of setting up stubs for your class under test?
Tired of compile errors when you add one more dependency to a class?
The AutoStubber to the rescue.
interface IServiceA
string GetThis(long param);
interface IServiceB
Do DoThat(string s);
class MyService
public MyService(IServiceA a, IServiceB b) { ... }
you can write;
var service = new AutoStubber.Create();
// Arrange
var theString = "whatever";
// Act
// Assert
The code for AutoStubber:
public class AutoStubber<T> where T : class
static readonly Type TypeofT;
static readonly ConstructorInfo Constructor;
static readonly Type[] ParameterTypes;
static readonly Dictionary<object, AutoStubber<T>> Instances = new Dictionary<object, AutoStubber<T>>();
static AutoStubber()
TypeofT = typeof(T);
Constructor = TypeofT.GetConstructors().OrderByDescending(ci => ci.GetParameters().Length).First();
ParameterTypes = Constructor.GetParameters().Select(pi => pi.ParameterType).ToArray();
public static AutoStubber<T> GetStubberFor(T obj)
return Instances[obj];
bool _created;
public T Create()
if (_created)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Create can only be called once per AutoStubber");
_created = true;
return Instance;
readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _dependencies = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
private T Instance { get; set; }
public AutoStubber()
var parameters = new List<object>(ParameterTypes.Length);
foreach (var parameterType in ParameterTypes)
var parameter = MockRepository.GenerateStub(parameterType);
_dependencies[parameterType] = parameter;
Instance = (T)Constructor.Invoke(parameters.ToArray());
Instances[Instance] = this;
public TDependency Get<TDependency>()
return (TDependency)_dependencies[typeof(TDependency)];
public static class AutoStubberExtensions
public static AutoStubber<T> Stubs<T>(this T obj)
where T : class
return AutoStubber<T>.GetStubberFor(obj);
I know there is the AutoMockingContainer, and various other stuff out there, but this thing just was very natural to me, it uses a very simple API (do not need to keep reference to the Container), and took me less than an hour to knock off.
An enhancement I consider would be to allow setting pre-created values to some of the parameters. But meanwhile I did not happen to need it.